The Wonderful Use Of Bitterleaf For Pimples

The Wonderful Use Of Bitterleaf For Pimples

You might be asking Does Bitter Leaf Work for Pimples ? of course it does and in this article you’ll find out how to use it effectively and get good results. No one loves pimples, it destroys the natural beauty of our face and body. Bitter leaf contains so many vitamins and nutrients that help eliminate acne, pimples and spots and make our skin glow.

Different kinds of herbs and leaves are always beneficial to skin condition and beauty of every woman in general. But bitter leaf is a very special helper for your skin and body. It does not only reduce the chances of skin aging but also fights against the effects of free radicals. The bitter extract can help to smooth your skin and prevent many skin problems. You can do face mask or wash your face with bitter leaf extract. Also, you can drink a special tea with bitter leaf to prevent acne.

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You can use any of the following remedy below to get rid of pimples.

  1. Bitter leaf sponge:

Get fresh leaves and rub your bathing soap on it, use  as sponge

  1. Bitter leaf astringent:

Every morning, squeeze fresh bitter leaf juice and rub on your body from head to toe, wait 30 minutes and go shower

3: Get some leaves, add very little water and blend. Add this puree into your black soap mix

  1. Dry the leaves away from the sun, when dry grind to powder and keep, everyday take some and mix with little water to make a paste then apply as face mask for 30 minutes.

  2. Juice a few leaves and drink once or twice a week

Do any of these and the excess oil on your skin will dry up, it will be rid of acne, spots and other discoloration.

Drop a comment if this worked for you.

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2 thoughts on “The Wonderful Use Of Bitterleaf For Pimples”


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