How To Keep Your Lips Moisturized During The Harmattan

How To Keep Your Lips Moisturized During The Harmattan

The harmattan is gradually setting in and very soon its effect will be noticed on our skin and lips. When the harmattan reaches its extreme stages, the lips become hyper sensitive and prone to dryness, lip crack, chapped and flaky, which may cause pain and discomfort.

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How to maintain soft and healthy lips during harmattan

  1. Drink lots of water; this might sound like a cliché but remember dehydration is real and drinking water would keep you hydrated and that includes your lips.
  2. Place a slice of cucumber on your lips for 5 to 10 minutes to help hydrate your lips.
  3. When you lips are chapped you end up with cracks, simple place aloe Vera gel on your lips to help heal them.
  4. Apply moisturizer to your lips in the morning immediately when you wake up.
  5. Daily use of lip balm moisturizes help protects your lips from elements that work against them.
  6. Avoid moistening your lips with saliva because they only make it worse.
  7. Avoid citrus fruits during the dry/cold season because the acids dry and chap your lips.
  8. Sometimes dried lips might be due to toothpaste irritation, so change your toothpaste.
  9. Apply honey on your lips before bed every night.

Follow this simple tips during harmattan season and your lips will be sure to thank you.They are quite simple to follow. Therefore, you should adhere to them in order to prevent cracked, flaky lips during harmattan.





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