Homemade Remedies That Help To Keep Wrinkles At Bay

Creases over your dresses can be removed with ironing but what about the creases that appears over your face? It becomes a permanent crease that takes the form of the wrinkle.  You may also get such shrinkage and folds over your skin around our neck, throat, cheeks, etc

Apart from aging there are other reasons behind wrinkle formation over the skin. Excessive sun exposure and pollutants over the skin can also be reasons behind the wrinkle over the skin layer. Pollution and adulteration can be a reason. Another reason can be changes in lifestyle. Smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks call also be a cause. Excessive consumption of fast food can also be a reason behind wrinkles. However, there are natural ways of removing wrinkles from the face that can be really effective.

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Natural Ways To Combat Wrinkles

Find natural ways to combat wrinkles below

Sleep on your back

Sleeping on sides or stomach may cause impression of wrinkles on your face. Make sure you sleep on your back to keep your neck, body and spine in alignment.

Oil massages

To reduce the wrinkles, massage your face with oils of your choice sesame, olive, castor, coconut, vitamin E oil and others. It is recommended to use oils at night as it helps completely moisturizes your face all throughout the night. Wash it off in the morning.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is a natural skin tightener. All your need to do is rub some lemon juice mixed with honey all over your face and wash off with water and apply some moisturizer. Over time you will see a difference.

Avoid stress

Stress is the one that causes wrinkles, dark circles, and other skin issues. Keep your worries at bay and enjoy every moment of your life with great joy and fun. Take deep breathes very often. Talk to yourself in mirror, watch greenery, plants, blue sky, waters and exercise.


Tea provides many benefits along with the wrinkle-free skin. Green tea also works great. Therefore, drink tea on a daily basis. This will detoxify your skin and give you a fresh younger looking skin.


Take a fresh cucumber and cut it into thin slices. Place it on the face. Cucumber will soften the skin and remove wrinkles.


Tomato is a very effective home remedy for face wrinkles. Eat a tomato daily. This will tighten your skin and give your cheeks natural redness. You can also apply tomato pulp on your face and neck. It will give you instant brightening and younger looking skin.


Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Drinking water will hydrate your body and face.

Practice these tips if you want to keep your skin looking good and young for a long time. Let us know which tips worked for you, we’ll be waiting to hear your feedback. Remember, you are responsible for how your skin looks after your twenties.


Pic credit: thecompleteherbalguide


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