Video: Sweet Positions To Enjoy With Your Partner When Pregnant.

During pregnancy, the body goes through various changes, and some women may experience discomfort or pain during s- ex. However, s-ex is generally safe for pregnant women who have a low-risk pregnancy and do not have any medical complications. It is important to communicate with your partner and discuss what feels comfortable and what does not.

Here are some s- ex positions that may be comfortable and enjoyable for pregnant women:

  • Spooning: This position involves lying on your side while your partner lies behind you, also on their side, and enters from behind. This position can provide support for the growing belly and may reduce pressure on the lower back.
  • Woman on top: This position allows the pregnant woman to control the depth and speed of penetration, and can also help reduce pressure on the belly.
  • Side-lying: This position involves lying on your back while your partner lies on their side, facing you, and enters from the front. This position may be more comfortable for women who experience discomfort in the missionary position.
  • Doggy style: This position involves being on all fours while your partner enters from behind. This position may be comfortable for women who experience discomfort in other positions.
  • The modified missionary: This position involves placing a pillow or cushion under the pregnant woman’s hips to elevate them, which can help alleviate pressure on the lower back and provide deeper penetration.

It is important to listen to your body and avoid any positions that cause discomfort or pain. It is also important to communicate with your partner and take breaks as needed.

Additionally, it is important to note that if you have a high-risk pregnancy or any medical complications, your healthcare provider may recommend avoiding sexual activity altogether. Always consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions about s- ex during pregnancy.

Meanwhile, here’s an Instagram trending video of 5 different styles performed by @talks3xwithireti

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