Top 10 Best YouTube Channels For Makeup Tutorials.

A lot of women cannot go out without putting on makeup. It is essential for them to look good, and looking good means wearing eye-shadows, mascara, facial foundation, blush, and lip color. While many women have a knack for giving themselves a glow, some do not. Well, putting on makeup can be easy or difficult depending on whom you ask. Today there is no need to search fashion magazines to learn about how to properly apply makeup. Here are, in my opinion, the top 10 best YouTube makeup tutorials available.


1. For people on budget, but still want to look good in the mirror, they can check out [highlight]xteener’s[/highlight] videos. The YouTube user has simple video tutorials wherein she uses only low-cost, drugstore makeup. Her smoky eyes tutorial has the most clicks of all her how-to videos. Although there are many smoky eye tutorials on YouTube, hers are simple and easy to follow.

2. Speaking of eye makeup, you may be fascinated with dramatic eye makeup tutorials offered by [highlight]jennissemakeup[/highlight]. She has various how-to guides on the video sharing site. Aside from makeup videos, she also uploaded product reviews, which may also be interesting to some viewers.


3. There are various popular makeup tutorial channels on YouTube. One is [highlight]MakeupByTiffanyD[/highlight], where there are a number of simple makeup tutorials as well as stunning eye makeup guides. The instructions are quite easy to grasp, and there are no distracting animations or background music in the videos.

4. Everyone wants a bright looking face. [highlight]Jacqueline[/highlight] will show you how on her channel [highlight]brilliantbrnette81[/highlight]. Many makeup tutorial channels on YouTube have videos on putting on eye shadow and this channel is not an exception.

5. Many people who offer makeup tutorials on YouTube are women who just put makeup every day. But there are also professional makeup artists, like [highlight]makeupgeektv[/highlight], who know the aesthetics behind makeup application. The good thing about her videos is that they are simple, and she has makeup tips that are subdued and just enhance a natural look. Be warned that she often uses the more expensive cosmetics brand MAC on her tutorial video clips, but you can always use whatever makeup brand you have on hand.


6. Sometimes you have to attend costume or Halloween parties where creative makeup is necessary.[highlight] MichellePhan [/highlight]has special makeup tutorial videos inspired by movies like Avatar and famous icons such as Barbie. Aside from tutorials, she also has videos wherein she talks about simple at-home beauty treatments and regiments. The girl has a soft, sweet voice, which some viewers dislike.

7. [highlight]Panacea81[/highlight] is the go-to girl on YouTube if you want unique makeup style. Due to her online popularity, she came out with her own makeup product line. She also does product reviews and recommends products for all girls out there.

8. When you want sheer creativity, [highlight]MissChievous[/highlight]’ channel is the place to go. The lady has a lot of creative makeup guides. She tries new things and comes up with many different styles of makeup. Those curious about how Halloween makeup should look must visit her channel.

9. [highlight]Pursebuzz[/highlight] is another popular makeup guru. Aside from her makeup tutorials, she also provides fashion and hairstyle advice.

10. [highlight]Elle Fowler[/highlight] has her own channel, called[highlight] AllThatGlitters21[/highlight], where you can hear about cosmetics and nail polish. Her how-to videos are generally aimed at college-age girls.

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Credit: Cedric P Loiselle


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