Wanna learn how to tie a turban ? Here’s How!
Turban is the new rave now in the head gear world, but it didn’t just start now as it is something that has been tied for centuries by both men and women. A turban is originally a type of head wear worn by winding the cloth on the head. It is commonly worn by Sikhs, though there are different variations of it now. For many people, the hear wear has religious undertones as it is worn in many parts of the world, from Africa to Asia and even Europe.
Also, they have been worn by people of noble class, irrespective of religious background and also in recent times, women that have lost their hair due to cancer decide to cover their heads with turbans.
Early history has been unable to trace the origins of this head wear as many have said it started in Turkey, while others favor Egypt but it has been made mention as far back as 1 BC by a Roman author Ovids who had mentioned the head wear in a mythical story. But the wearing has passed down generation to generation as different colors and styles of the headwear continue to emerge.
In recent times, women are donning the beaded turban and they are so beautiful. There are some women that have many colors of this gear in their wardrobe to match their favorite clothes.
Needless to say, they are simple, quick and easy to wear and they add a touch of class to outfits
Thinking of getting your hands on one but don’t know how to tie it? Watch this short video to learn.