The Perfect cat eyeliner is forever fashionable and its perfect for most eye shapes
Makeup Tools Needed
- A liquid Eyeliner pen
- A Scotch Tape (Transparent Adhesive Tape)

Follow these Easy Steps Below:
. At the outer corner of your eye use two pieces of scotch tape to create a triangle.You can place the scotch tape however you want.
-The upper edge of the piece you put underneath your eye ought to adjust to both your eye’s external corner and the external tip of your eyebrow.
-The lower edge of the piece you use on top of your eye ought to adjust to the focal point of your iris and afterward tilt marginally upward. More tilt makes a thick retro wing. Less tilt looks moderate and advanced.
. Draw a dot to plan where the wing will end up.
. Connect the line to the dot, and fill it in.with your eyeliner, remove the tape and you get the perfect cat eye. . Just drag a damp cotton bud along the edges to remove any imperfections, and you’re done.
