Gele Video Tutorial: How To Tie Fan Gele
I have been seeing gele style in which the tips of the gele have a sort of wavy pattern in one direction, shaped in the blades of a fan. This gele style is called the “fan gele” and it is one of the numerous and modern ways of tying the gele.
I will be the first t admit that the art and skill of tying gele eluded me, so I avoid having to tie them if I can. But it is always wonderful to see the new creative way people do old things and the gele is certainly one of them.
If you are a very hands on person who fancies new way of tying gele, then this video is for you.

The creator of the video Anne signature beauty did a make-up tutorial prior to the tying of her gele, to see the gele video part, kindly skip the timer to 7:14 minute mark to see the gele tutorial.
SEE MORE GELE VIDEOS HERE Tutorial: Learn To Tie Oleku Gele