Miss Teen Africa Pageant is a Beauty and Talent Pageant showcasing young women aged 13-19 of African Heritage representing the 56 Independent Countries Of Africa. The pageant is the first of its kind assessing the collective aspects of beauty and talent including physical presentation, knowledge of culture, etiquette, aptitude and general appeal including clothing/fashion without use of nudity.
We are devoted to championing the proliferation and continuation of the African culture, self worth, confidence, validity, gender equality, empowerment of women, social inclusion and a feeling of belonging amongst women of African descent worldwide.
All entrants will be invited to an open Audition which is scheduled to take place on the 12th of July 2015 @ the spectacular Greenwich Yacht Club SE10 0BW at 4pm prompt. All successful delegate will be shortlisted after the audition for the Grand finals in October.
The primary purpose of the pageant is to promote social cohesion, religious tolerance, education and empowerment of young women with African heritage.
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For more info visit: www.missteenafrica.com