The selfie has been widely spread worldwide on all social networks. As we all know the Kim Kardashian is the queen of selfies. Here’s our 8 Amazing Tips On Taking the Best Selfies…
[highlight]Tip #1 [/highlight] Angle Experiment
Tilt your head to one side and afterward the all right view of yourself on your phone screen. For most of us, one side is more appealing than the other side.Flaunting your best side is by far more intriguing than a straight on shot.
[highlight]Tip #2 [/highlight] Placement of your shoulder
On the off chance that your shoulders are parallel to the camera ,turn them marginally to one side and afterward somewhat to one side and see what looks best.
[highlight]Tip #3 [/highlight] Lighting
Pose in a region with wonderful lighting- either outside or close to a window. Beautiful lighting equals an all more complimenting selfie. Hold the phone before your face and turn the camera , so you can see yourself. Take note of the lighting then turn 90 degrees , Glance at the background. Keep turning until your back where you started,this will help you find the spot with excellent lighting.

[highlight]Tip #4[/highlight] Accesories
Try to accesorize, You can make use of a cap ,or wear shades or a wig.
[highlight]Tip #5[/highlight] Express your self
Grin, Glare, Mope. Then again you can make a senseless face (have fun with it )

[highlight]Tip #6[/highlight] Take a Full Body shot
A full length mirror functions admirably for this sort of selfie shot, Once more, edge your body to one side or right, which is far more complimeting than shooting straight on
[highlight]Tip #7 [/highlight] Camera shutter release button
Holding your camera with one hand is more common, but a little trickier to keep it steady and take a photo. With the iPhone, you can quickly and easily take a picture by hitting either the shutter release button or one of the volume buttons.
[highlight]Tip #8 [/highlight] Extend your Neck Forward
To completely remove any double chin in your photo, and to accentuate your jaw line, extend your neck forward. This may feel funny, but it will dramatically improve how you look in the photo. Also, shoot from above. Raise the camera slightly above you and then look up to even further accentuate the jaw.

Source: Twitter