5 Fantastic Iro and Buba 2016 on Amillionstyles >>> Hello lovelies,do you want a style that is easy and simple? do you you wanna look different or rock a different style? then iro and buba is another trending out fit you might wanna try out.
Aside your normal skirt and blouse,dresses and gown,you can rock iro and buba to grease any occasion. With the right material and accessories you are good to go….check this out…..
All white with double layer iro (rapper), the accessories are befitting and on point… isn’t she beautiful?

simple and amazing with the right combination and a smile

when you know how to slay your outfit right,color combinations on point.

when you are buying a material for your outfits,you need to pick the one that will speak out your color (skin),this is what am talking about,check her out…..

mama the mama,she killed it with the right materia and color (blue and tomatoe red)

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